Taking out appropriate insurance is a way of safeguarding you and your loved ones, your home and your belongings, against whatever life might throw at you. From minor mishaps to major upheavals; the right cover makes sure you don’t end up losing your home, seriously in debt or severely out of pocket.
Why is it so essential?…consider the UKs Health Statistics
- 1 in 2 people born after 1960 will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime.
- 375,000 new cases of cancer in the UK each year, that’s nearly 1,000 every day
- 50% of people survive cancer for 10 or more years
- On average, a cancer diagnosis leads to a £891 drop in household income per month, rising to over £1,000 in some cases.
Sources: Cancer Research UK statistical data 2023 | Macmillan – Annual Report 2021 |
- Coronary heart disease is the UK’s most common cause of premature death and is the leading cause of death worldwide (2019).
- 1 in 4 in the UK die from heart and circulatory diseases.
- Over 1.5m men and 830,000 women are living with Coronary Heart Disease
- Today at least seven out of 10 people survive a heart attack.
Sources: British Heart Foundation UK Factsheet April 2023 |
- Every 5 minutes someone in the UK will have a stroke
- Around one in four strokes happen to people of working age
- 1.4m are living with the after effect of a stroke
- Almost two thirds (65%) of stroke survivors leave hospital with a disability.
Source: Stroke Association, Statistics 2023 / British Heart Foundation UK Factsheet April 2023 |
- Around 130,000 people currently live with the disease in the UK.
- MS is most often diagnosed in people between 20 and 50.
- Approximately three times as many women have MS as men.
Source: Multiple Sclerosis Society, 2022 | NHS Choices, 2018 |
Organising financial protection for you and your family is so important it is top of the Financial Conduct Authority’s priority list of financial arrangements to be put in place by individuals ahead of pensions, savings and investments.